Something a little different to use with my silver components ... resin in silver bezels! I had read that the new Ice Resin doesn't have toxic fumes and is easy to use, so I decided to see what I could make with it. Using silver bezels, punching a hole in the side and putting a silver head pin through it to make a way to connect them, the only decision is what to put in the bezel. I hunted through old desk calendars (I have many years of them as I tend to hold onto them for the art as well as the history!). I am now hooked on making as many different designs as I can find sources for in maps, dictionaries, travel folders, boating charts, you name it! I even found an old Chinese painting in a scroll with a story in Chinese that I am thinking of using (not the scroll, just the story since I don't read Chinese). Here are a few of the ones I have made so far -